
Contract Signing and Delivery Process for Canvas Bags

MINGkos has successfully signed a contract to supply eco-friendly custom canvas bags. The process is as follows:

  • Needs Assessment: In preliminary discussions, the client specified bag size, material, load capacity, and design requirements. MINGkos conducted research and provided suggestions to ensure the bags were both attractive and practical.
  • Design Proposals: The design team presented several options focused on sustainability. The final design was an eco-friendly canvas bag that aligned with the client’s brand identity.
  • Contract Confirmation: Upon design approval, both parties signed the contract, clarifying production details and delivery standards.
  • Production: MINGkos’s production team carefully selected materials and printing processes, ensuring each bag met the client’s quality expectations.
  • Quality Inspection and Delivery: After production, products passed quality checks and were delivered, providing high-quality promotional products for the client’s branding activities.

This successful collaboration highlighted MINGkos’s alignment with eco-friendly principles and the client’s brand values.


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